Today's Lecture, I will discuss on Definition of Fire, Triangle of Combustion and Extinction, Qualities or Characteristics of Fireman and Classes of Fire With the Suitable Fire Extinguisher To Used to Quell the Fire

At the end of the class; the readers will be able to; define Fire, Understand the Triangle of Combustion and Extinction, Itemize Qualities of A Fire Fighter and also know classes of Fire with the Fire Extinguisher suitable to Quell it.

Definition Of Fire🔥:

Fire is a chemical reaction between two or more combustible elements which result in Heat and Normal Light i.e Burning.

In Fire, Prevention is better than Replacement i.e It's the responsibility of everyone to prevent fire from occuring.

Combustible Materials are;

i. Free Burning Materials such as, Chair, Table, Paper, Wood, Grass etc.

ii. Combustible Liquid such as Flammable materials e.g Petrol, Diesel, Parafin, Kerosene etc.

iii. Liquified Gases e.g Methane, Acetylene, Propane Butane etc.

iv. Combustible Metals e.g Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc Potassium etc.

v. Electrical Appliances are combustible Materials.

Triangle Of Combustion

Triangle of Combustion also known as "Fire Triangle" is a simple way of understanding the components of fire. Each side of the triangle represents one of three components needed to have a fire – "Oxygen, Fuel and Heat". Fire is a chemical reaction and without one of these components, fire cannot exist or be sustained.

In a Nutshell, Oxygen, Fuel and Heat causes Fire, If any of them can be conquered, Fire can't exist.

Note: Human Body is also Fuel, because it act as a Free Burning Material.

Triangle of Extinction: This simply means how Fire 🔥 can be put out. There are also three ways in putting out Fire , they are; "Cooling, Starving and Smoothering"


Cooling with water is one of the most typical ways of putting out a fire. The fuel is cooled until it produces insufficient vapor to ignite. The drop in temperature is achieved by applying enough water to create a negative heat balance.

Burning will stop if the rate at which heat is produced by combustion is lower than the rate at which heat is lost from the burning substance. The fire may eventually go out if the pace at which heat is lost from it exceeds the rate at which heat is produced.

Due to its high thermal capacity, water is an effective cooling agent. This makes it the fire extinguishing chemical that is by far, the most extensively used, and it is readily available in enormous amounts.


In certain instances, putting out a fire only requires removing the fuel source. There are several ways to do this, including stopping the flow of liquid, removing solid fuel from the fire’s path, or letting the fire burn until all the fuel is gone.

Take away possible fuel sources from the area around the fire such as:

Back-burning forest fires

Fuel removal from burning oil tanks

Cargo removal from a ship’s hold

Removing cars from the area around the fire.


Fires will stop if the oxygen supply to the substance is cut off. The basic strategy is to keep new air away from the fire’s source by:

Extinguishing candles

Using a fire blanket to smoother a pan

Encircling someone in a fire blanket

Covering the burning area in foam

Smothering can also be accomplished by depriving the fire of oxygen.

Qualities or Characteristics Of A Fire 🔥 Man

A Fire Man (Fire fighter) is a first responder trained in firefighting, primarily to control and extinguish fires that threaten life and property, as well as to rescue persons from confinement or dangerous situations.

There are Eight Major Characteristics or Qualities of A Fireman, which is known as COPPEDIT, that's why the logo of a Fire fighter has "Eight Shapes" which is also known as Octagon

C - A Fireman must be Courageous

O - A Fireman Must Be Observant

P - A Fireman must be Physically Fit

P - A Fireman must have Patience

E -  Enquiry i.e Must know how to ask Questions in other to get actual fact on what causes the Fire🔥 Outbreak.

D - A Fireman must be Discipline

I - Initiative,  A Fireman must know how to Initiate another ideas to put-out fire at the Scene of fire.

T - Tactful A fireMan must know how to deal with people in a sensible Manner.

Causes Of Fire 🔥

Accident: Unplanned Action

Arson: Intentional or Deliberate Act.

Natural Causes: Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Thunder

Carelessness: Uncared Attitude and Negligence; It's not advisable to refuel generator while working.

It's improper to put lighted candles on table, because, Table is a combustible material.

Classification of Fire🔥

Class A: These are Fire Involving Free Burning or Ordinary Combustible Materials e.g Wood, Paper Clothes Grass etc. The best Fire Extinguisher that can be used to quell this class of Fire Is *Water Fire Extinguisher* which is in Red Colour

Class B: These are Fire Involving Flammable and combustible Liquid such as Petrol, Parafin, Diesel, Kerosene etc. The best Extinguisher that can be used to quell this class of Fire is *Foam Fire Extinguisher* which has Milk or Cream Colour. It can also be used in Class A and B fire and must not be used in life electrical fire.

Class C: These are Fire Involving gaseous or liquified Gases such as methane, acetylene, Propane, butane etc. The best Extinguisher to Quell this class of fire is Carbon dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguisher, which has Black colour. Its an Extinguisher which expels vapour foaming liquid and gases. It can be used in Class C fire and life electrical fire. It's not suitable for fire involving flammable liquid.

Class D: These are Fire Involving combustible Metals e.g Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Potassium etc. Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) which has Blue Colour is a multiple purpose fire Extinguisher. It expels chemical powder. It's not advisable to use in a confine space.

Thanks and God Bless

Lateef Olawale

Certified Fire Safety Officer

08029890946, 09038226788


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